Thursday, 19 January 2012


In this last week I have been the lucky recipient of two awards. I never knew such a thing existed in the blogging world until I received them, but I am ever so grateful to be a part of it.

The first award is the Kreativ Blogger Award, presented to me by GvN - Style Blog.
To properly receive this award I must answer a few questions about myself, here goes..

1. Name your favourite song - I don't really have a favourite song at the moment. Right now I'm completely in love with Lana Del Rey, she has 
the most enchanting voice.
2. Name your favorite dessert - My Grandmothers cheesecake! It is the most heavenly thing I have ever tasted, I would live off it if given the chance. Though, I am so sad she rarely makes it anymore.
3. What ticks me off - Disrespectful and rude people. Also, people who take the easy way out.
4. When I'm upset I... Cuddle my beautiful Boarder Collie puppy, and if I'm upset at him I'll still cuddle him anyway.
5. What's your favorite pet... My puppy, Ollie, he is the most beautiful creature. I'll have to show you some pictures sometime.
6. Black or White... Uhh.. depends what mood I'm in, really loving white at the moment though (in reference to clothing).
7. Biggest Fear... Turning into my mother, I love her, but she has the most frustrating way of speaking. I can already feel it happening to me.
8. Everyday Attitude... Generally the evens that unfold within a two hour time-frame of waking up will dictate my attitude/mood for the rest of the day - which can be a good thing and a bad thing. 
9. What is perfection? Imperfection :) 
10. Guilty Pleasure... Op shopping! I have an addiction, I spend so much time and money trawling through the vintage racks, though I don't think I'll ever stop. It's such a rush when you find the perfect item.

Seven Random Facts About Me:
1. I'm a health nut.
2. My favourite font is Helvetica.
3. I love stalking people on Facebook.
4. I get along better with guys than girls.
5. I am fascinated by genetics. 
6. When I find a blog I like I sit for ages trawling through their archives.
7. I'm crazy about spelling, grammar and punctuation.
8. I'm actually fairly shy when meeting new people.
9. I really enjoy planning things.
10. I need a bigger wardrobe.

I Would Like to Nominate....

The second award I received is the Liebster Blog Award, presented to me by Fashion Needy.
The rules are:
Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
Copy & paste the blog award on your blog
Reveal your 5 blog picks.
Let them know you chose them by leaving a comment on their blog.

My nominations are:

Once again I would like to thank GvN - Style Blog and Fashion Needy for nominating me for these wonderful awards.


  1. so sweet of you to nominate me! i feel so honoured :)

  2. Thank you so much for the comment sweetie ;D

  3. We can def follow each other!
    Love your blog, and I'm following you now. You will see me around here very VERY often ;)

  4. Congrats on those two wonderful awards! And thanks for the sweet comment :)! Yes, I'd love to follow each other! I'm following you know via GFC :)

  5. thanks so much for nominating me! i am so flattered

  6. Congratulations on both your awards. Following you on GFC. Hope you can visit me too.

  7. how cool :) i've been getting alot of those, but its a while since! woud be great getting an award again :)

  8. Congratulations on your awards and thanks so much for nominating me :)


  9. I would like to thank you very very much for nominating me ♥
    That's soo kind of you ♥♥♥


  10. I just had to laugh when I read your biggest fear! I mean, it's just one of those things that you don't expect other people to share with you, but I'm glad you did because I can totally relate to it! I'm also crazy about spelling and punctuation, and I actually go to the extreme of trying to read books in the original language because I know how much gets lost when the translator changes the punctuation!

  11. Thank you so much babe! I love your blog, have been following for a while :)

    Moloko + Honey

  12. Hi dear, congratulations on your award! Some interesting facts about you

  13. Ohh congrats with your awardssssss!!!

    All love Lola,

  14. ah speechless.. my first award :)
    I'm totally honored!!!
    Thanks hun xxx
